370 competitions over 60m (average 65.508m) and 14 times over 70m.
All-time 10 best competition average is 71.38m (second Virgilijus Alekna 71.299m).
All-time 100 best competition average is 68.68m
Gerd Kanter have thrown over 60m in 35 countries (top 3 - Estonia, Sweden, USA)
Gerd has 4 results on world all-time top 10 throws list (73.38 m, 72.02 m, 71.88 m, 71.64 m).
Gerd Kanter SB progression

1998 - 47.37
1999 - 49.65
2000 - 57.68
2001 - 60.47
2002 - 66.31
2003 - 67.13
2004 - 68.50
2005 - 70.10
2006 - 73.38
2007 - 72.02
2008 - 71.88
2009 - 71.64
2010 - 71.45
2011 - 67.99